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Tech Confident Hosting

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You must have a custom domain. If you do not, we recommend registering one with NameCheap.
If you have an existing Wordpress site you plan to migrate, there may be an additional one-time charge.

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What's Included

  • Managed WordPress installation with security, premium plugins, and regular updates
  • Access to the PRO plugins you need to create automated email sequences, landing pages, sales carts & funnels, quiz lead magnets, and more  (CLICK HERE)
  • Includes a “consent management” integration for compliance with GDPR, CCPA, LGPD, and future regulations
  • Premium DNS management
  • Email marketing setup with 30,000 emails per month (can be increased)
  • Lots of backups – hourly & daily, local & remote locations
  • Access to the TECH CONFIDENT COMMUNITY for tech support
  • Full ownership of your data
  • Piece of mind that your online tech works!
  • Protected video hosting (optional add-on service)
    Man, smiling

    Jeff Young

    Lead Tech Geek